Beyond Wellness Books
Book Title: Be Beyond Well
Price: Paperback $20.00, E book $10.00
By Jennifer Enders, LPC
Have you ever wondered how to show up as the best version of yourself? What if you were to discover you are already the best version of you. We all have different needs and different paths to meet these needs. There is no exact recipe for wellness and it is a transformative process to discover the pathway to "Be Beyond Well". You can learn to meet your own needs and to still show up for others. Get ready to feel recharged and to find a routine that works for you. Add in a dose of Self Compassion and you will truly feel like the best version of yourself!

Book Title: 7 day Challenge
Price: E Book $10.00
By Jennifer Enders, LPC
Have you ever wondered what you should add to
your daily routine for wellbeing ? There are so many options out there that it can be overwhelming or even start to feel like work! It is not necessary to do “all the things”. There is so much benefit to having just a few minutes per day set aside for YOU! This challenge has an activity each day for 7 days for you to try out as part of a wellness routine.

Book Title: Be Beyond Well Journal
Price: E Book $10.00
By Jennifer Enders, LPC
Welcome to the Be Beyond Well Journal. This journal has messages, affirmations, and prompts that will help you show up as the best version of yourself!This journal is an opportunity to discover that you are already the best version of you and with a little confidence you will feel it too!